Thursday, December 4, 2008

Closing some tabs

Hi there,
So, I had some more news left I wanted to share. Once I'm done with that I hope to post something a bit more interesting (other than just news) and I'm also preparing a little something for this holidays.

Ok, let's get to the news and close some tabs.

40532909 We can never get enough of good ol' Ben right? Check out this fun little Q&A with the always wonderful Ben Burtt.

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2752554648_864029f84a_b Matthew Wood (right) and David Acord (left) got interviewed by and the resulting podcast (or Force-Cast) is really funny. It's very insightful as well. Get it HERE.

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Well, that's all for now. A couple of things about this blog. I don't really have an agenda (besides posting news more or less as they appear), there are things I know I want to do, but beyond than that is a mystery. Dear reader, you are more than welcome to leave your requests in the comments. If you'd like me to post about a specific thing regarding Skywalker Sound, whether is a sound designer, or a film, or a technical thing, just let me know and I'll see what I can do.

The other thing. Blogger users, dear loyal readers, I invite you to "follow" this blog (so I can have extra motivation for posting). It's right down there on the white sidebar. Did you just clicked on it? Thanks! you are the best.

See you soon.

1 comment:

Samanta Erdini said...

Sam es qu eno puedo evitarlo! tengo mucho nuevo arte y tengo que actualizar! buuuu

Bueno gracias porque te guste lo que subi me alegra mucho!

